Schools Outdoor Timber Classrooms in Birkhouse

Schools Outdoor Timber Classrooms in Birkhouse

We offer a range of designs for timber classrooms that are commonly installed for schools and used as external learning areas in lessons and break times.

External Wooden Classroom in Birkhouse

External Wooden Classroom in Birkhouse

Having an outdoor learning space is great because it means kids can do activities outside in all weather conditions, and the designs are customisable to suit each different school.

Timber Learning Area in Birkhouse

Timber Learning Area in Birkhouse

For subjects like science where the kids are doing experiments and looking at the outside environment, a timber classroom is a useful feature to have as a learning space.

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Schools Outdoor Timber Classrooms in Birkhouse

We are School Playground Equipment Ltd and as we are the specialist contractors for schools outdoor timber classrooms in Birkhouse HD6 4 in the UK we can guarantee you the best rates on whatever your design.

We offer high quality outdoor learning facilities that are durable and long lasting throughout all weather conditions.

With the timber classrooms we provide, you can transform your outside areas to a new fun outdoor space where the children can learn in a new environment.

The designs we offer can vary to fit your requirements and we may work closely with you to find the shelter you are looking for.

If you fill out the contact form we are able to send you previous designs, offer advice and talk you through best solutions for your playground to make sure this meets all your needs, is delivered on time and stays within your budget.

How much does an Outdoor Timber Classroom Cost?

The average costs of outdoor timber classrooms for schools is £10,000 - £30,000.

The cost of timber outdoor classrooms can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size of the wooden school, design complexity, materials used, location of the outdoor school, site preparation requirements, and additional features. Here are some factors that can influence the cost:

  • Size: Larger outdoor classrooms will naturally cost more than smaller ones. The size of the classroom will depend on the number of students it needs to accommodate comfortably.
  • Classroom Design Complexity: Intricate designs, architectural details, and bespoke designs can increase the cost of a timber outdoor classroom significantly.
  • Materials: The type and quality of timber used will affect the cost. Some wooden structures and timbers are more expensive due to their durability and resistance to weather and pests.
  • Site Preparation: Clearing the site, levelling the ground, and preparing the foundation for wooden outdoor classrooms can add to the overall cost.
  • Utilities: If the outdoor classroom requires electricity, plumbing, heating, or cooling systems, the cost will increase.
  • Additional Features: Amenities such as whiteboards, audio-visual equipment, seating, and storage solutions will add to the cost.
  • Location: Labour costs and local regulations can vary by location, affecting the overall construction cost.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring the outdoor classroom is accessible to individuals with disabilities might require additional features such as ramps, wider doors, and accessible restrooms, which can increase costs.

By filling in the contact form we can provide options and a range of outdoor classroom solutions to fit your needs because wooden outdoor classrooms might vary in dimensions depending on whether it is for EYFS, Key Stage One kids, Key Stage Two children and young learners in primary schools.

Outdoor Classroom Benefits

Outdoor classrooms offer a wide range of benefits to students, educators, and the school community as a whole. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Enhanced Learning Experience: Outdoor classrooms provide a dynamic and stimulating learning environment. They offer a change of scenery, encouraging students to engage with their surroundings, which can enhance overall learning experiences.
  • Improved Academic Performance: Research suggests that exposure to nature and outdoor learning can lead to improved academic performance, including better test scores and enhanced cognitive abilities.
  • Physical Health: Outdoor classrooms encourage physical activity, promoting better overall health and fitness among students. Activities such as gardening, nature walks, and outdoor games contribute to physical well-being.
  • Mental and Emotional Well-being: Spending time outdoors has been linked to reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. Outdoor classrooms provide a calming environment, fostering mental and emotional well-being among students and educators.
  • Social Skills: Outdoor learning encourages collaboration, teamwork, and communication among students. It promotes positive social interactions, helping students develop essential social skills.
  • Environmental Awareness: Outdoor classrooms provide opportunities for environmental education and awareness. Students learn about nature, ecosystems, sustainability, and the importance of environmental conservation.
  • Hands-on Learning: Outdoor classrooms facilitate hands-on, experiential learning. Students can engage in activities like planting, observing wildlife, conducting experiments, and exploring natural habitats.
  • Creativity and Imagination: Nature stimulates creativity and imagination. Outdoor settings inspire artistic expression, imaginative play, and innovative thinking among students.
  • Improved Concentration: Spending time outdoors has been shown to enhance focus and concentration. Students returning from outdoor activities are often more attentive in class.
  • Sense of Responsibility: Involvement in outdoor activities, such as gardening or environmental projects, instils a sense of responsibility and stewardship toward the environment.
  • Cultural and Historical Learning: Outdoor classrooms can be designed to incorporate cultural and historical elements, providing opportunities for learning about local heritage and traditions.
  • Teacher Well-being: Outdoor classrooms can also benefit educators by providing a change of scenery, reducing stress, and enhancing job satisfaction. Teachers often find outdoor teaching environments refreshing and inspiring.
  • Community Engagement: Outdoor classrooms can serve as community hubs, encouraging involvement from parents, local organisations, and volunteers. Community members can participate in outdoor learning initiatives, fostering a sense of community within the timber school.
  • Preparation for the Future: In a world increasingly disconnected from nature, outdoor classrooms help students develop a strong connection with the environment, preparing them to be environmentally conscious and responsible citizens in the future.

Outdoor classrooms offer a different experience for school life and allow pupils to be in a natural environment, learning about new things. Having an outdoor classroom installed in your outdoor space is great because it can be used all year round.

Overall, outdoor classrooms offer a holistic and enriching educational experience, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being while nurturing a deep respect and understanding of the natural environment.

Outdoor Learning for Schools

It can be extremely effective to give lessons in an outdoor environment as this makes it more fun and engaging for the children.

In many cases, OFSTED recommend schools having external areas which can be used for different activities both during lessons and in break times.

The wooden classrooms allow pupils to get fresh air and provide opportunities for outdoor shelter and play and lunch time as well.

The added benefits of letting the young learners be taught outside have been proven in many schools and nurseries.

When learning outside, kids trigger a different thought process and for early years and primary school children this is a key part to the curriculum along with being involved in play and activity.

The EYFS centres in Birkhouse are receiving funding on these gazebos and outdoor shelters in Birkhouse because they can also be used by community groups for things like Weight Watchers events.

Funders within the UK look to pay for these schools outdoor classrooms, simply because it is giving people better chances in life, improving the learning environment, bringing the community together and promoting healthier lifestyles in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

What is an Outdoor Classroom?

An outdoor classroom is a designated area outside of traditional indoor classroom spaces that is intentionally designed and utilised for outdoor educational purposes.

It provides an alternative learning environment where students can engage with nature, explore the outdoors, and participate in hands-on, experiential learning activities.

Outdoor classrooms can be found in schools, nurseries in Birkhouse , nature centres, parks, and various educational institutions.

If children are in a new location whilst they study it can lead to a more stimulated mind and can massively improve their studies and results.

Our timber shelters offer a warm and inviting area to parents also, whilst they wait for their kids and can give them a place to sit and talk to others.

Our large range of external timber classroom for schools or education centres enable your pupils to learn outside no matter what the weather is.

The outdoor wooden classrooms are now designed to act as much more than just an external learning area as they are also perfect for sheltering mums and dads whilst waiting for their sons or daughters to finish school.

If children have extra curricular events on, then the parents are sheltered from the rain or sun so this is a perfect solution for a multitude of uses. 

All of our premium outdoor timber classroom materials are sourced only from the best manufacturers and built to last with full compliance with current building regulations. We can help design, construct and maintain these pieces of playground equipment.

Dealing with thousands of schools every year we understand an off the shelf design is not always perfect. We may tailor our designs to fit your budgets and to fit the sizes and dimension restrictions your area might have.

Where are Outdoor Classrooms Installed?

Outdoor classrooms can be installed in various locations, depending on the specific needs and goals of the educational institution or organisation. Here are some common places where outdoor classrooms are installed:

  • Schools: Many forest schools, primary schools and secondary schools have designated areas in their outdoor space for outdoor learning. These spaces can include gardens, natural habitats, seating areas, and other outdoor facilities designed for educational activities.
  • Public Parks: Some public parks have outdoor classroom spaces available for educational use. Schools and community organisations can partner with local authorities to utilise these spaces for outdoor learning initiatives.
  • Botanical Gardens: Botanical gardens often have educational facilities where students can learn about plants, ecology, and environmental conservation. These spaces serve as excellent outdoor classrooms for school field trips and educational programs.
  • Nature Reserves: Nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries offer unique outdoor learning opportunities. Students can explore natural habitats, observe wildlife, and learn about biodiversity and conservation efforts.
  • Community Centers: Community centres may have outdoor spaces that can be transformed into outdoor classrooms. These spaces can be used for various educational activities and community events.
  • Preschools and Early Childhood Centers: Outdoor classrooms are particularly popular in preschools and early childhood centres. These spaces are designed to encourage sensory play, exploration, and nature-based learning for young children.
  • Botanical and Zoological Gardens: Botanical gardens and zoos often have designated educational facilities where students can learn about plants, animals, and ecosystems. These spaces provide hands-on learning experiences for students of all ages.
  • Libraries: Some libraries have outdoor reading areas or garden spaces where educational activities, storytelling sessions, and workshops can take place.
  • Universities and Colleges: Higher education institutions may have outdoor classrooms for specific departments or programs, especially those related to environmental science, biology, ecology, and landscape architecture.
  • Private Gardens and Farms: Schools and organisations can collaborate with private garden owners or farms to use their outdoor spaces for educational purposes. These spaces provide opportunities for learning about agriculture, horticulture, and sustainable farming practices.
  • Rooftop Gardens: In urban areas with limited ground space, rooftop gardens can be transformed into outdoor classrooms. These spaces offer unique opportunities for urban gardening and environmental education.
  • Historical Sites: Some historical sites and museums have outdoor areas where students can learn about history, archaeology, and cultural heritage in an outdoor setting.

Other Services We Offer

Contact Us 

To ask any questions regarding schools outdoor timber classrooms in Birkhouse HD6 4 or to find out more details, please fill out the enquiry form above.

Our expert team can answer all questions, help with the design process and provide you with a quote for our range of outdoor classrooms. Should you need any advice on funding organisations then complete the contact tabs on this page.

We could send you a whole host of funders in the UK and offer playground consultancy with designs, specifications and whatever else you might need to improve your existing play area.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need Planning Permission for an Outdoor Classroom?

The need for planning permission for an outdoor classroom can vary depending on your location and local regulations.
In many places, constructing outdoor structures, including outside classrooms, might require approval from the local planning department or relevant authorities.

What is needed for an Outdoor Classroom?

Creating a functional and engaging outdoor classroom involves careful planning and consideration of various elements to ensure a conducive learning environment. Here's a list of what is needed for an outdoor classroom:

Do Children Learn Better Outside?

There is substantial evidence to suggest that children can benefit significantly from outdoor learning experiences, and for many, learning outside can be highly effective and this is why outdoor school classrooms are popular.

What does Ofsted say about Outdoor Learning?

Ofsted recognises the value of outdoor learning and promotes its benefits in the educational context. Ofsted encourages schools to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes outdoor learning experiences.

Due to the range of benefits of having timber frame classrooms installed having classes outside, more and more educational facilities are incorportaing them into their school grounds.

What does the EYFS say about Outdoor Learning?

The EYFS framework recognises the importance of outdoor learning and provides guidelines for early years settings on how to incorporate outdoor experiences into children's learning and development.

Searches Associated with Schools Outdoor Timber Classrooms

  • Eco Classrooms in Birkhouse
  • Open Air Classrooms in Birkhouse
  • Outdoor Classroom Installers in Birkhouse
  • Outdoor Classroom for Forest Schools
  • Wooden Classroom Costs
  • Schools Outdoor Timber Classrooms Prices
  • Schools Outdoor Timber Classrooms for Sale
  • Outdoor Classroom Prices UK
  • Outdoor Classroom Building
  • Outdoor Classroom Pods in Birkhouse
  • Outdoor Classrooms UK
  • Outdoor Classrooms for Schools in Birkhouse
  • Wooden Outdoor Classroom in Birkhouse
  • School Outdoor Classroom in Birkhouse
  • Timberframe Outdoor Classrooms
  • Wooden Gazebo Birkhouse

Covering HD6 4



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