Sensory Playground Designs in Bossington

Sensory Playground Designs in Bossington

Lots of nurseries and schools have sensory garden areas which are accessible for children of all abilities to take part in different activities independently or as a group.

Inclusive Play Features in Bossington

Inclusive Play Features in Bossington

There are many options to choose from when installing equipment for a sensory area, some of the most popular features include sand boxes, water games and musical instruments.

Accessible Outdoor Activities in Bossington

Accessible Outdoor Activities in Bossington

Things like water tables, creativity boards and activity panels will often be incorporated into the sensory play gardens as they can be used for a diverse range of games.

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Sensory Play Area Design in Bossington

If you are thinking of creating a sensory play area design in Bossington SO20 6 we have plenty of options and different equipment that you could choose from.

These recreational spaces are usually made for kids of any ability to develop awareness of senses like sight, sound and touch. Children with disabilities or learning difficulties often benefit from these areas as they can be designed in a slightly more inclusive way than traditional playgrounds.

Many different options are available when it comes to developing one of these recreational spaces. You can choose from a wide variety of features to suit children of all ages and abilities.

Please take a moment to complete our contact form if you would like to speak to one of our experts on the costs of this equipment. We'd be happy to discuss all of the different specifications and prices with you as soon as possible.

Types of Sensory Play Equipment

Sensory playground equipment comes in various forms, catering to different sensory experiences. Here are some types of sensory play equipment commonly used to engage and stimulate the senses:

  • Swings and Hammocks: Platform swings, basket swings, nest swings, hammocks, and cocoon swings provide gentle swinging motions that can be soothing and therapeutic.
  • Sensory Tables: Tables designed with shallow bins or tuff trays where children can explore materials like sand, water, rice, or beads. They often come with various tools and toys for scooping, pouring, and moulding.
  • Mud Kitchen: Mud kitchens in Bossington are great for creative play but also for sensory needs.
  • Sensory Wall Panels: Wall-mounted panels with activities like gears, mirrors, textures, and sensory toys, encouraging interactive play and exploration.
  • Auditory Equipment: Musical instruments (drums, xylophones), sound-producing toys, and interactive devices that play nature sounds or calming music.
  • Sensory Mats and Tunnels: Mats with different textures, such as soft, squishy, or bumpy surfaces, provide tactile stimulation. Tunnels made from fabric or foam offer proprioceptive input and encourage crawling and exploration.
  • Balance Boards and Rockers: Boards that rock back and forth or side to side, challenging balance skills and stability. They come in various shapes and materials, allowing users to stand, sit, or lie down.
  • Lighting Effects: LED light panels, fibre optic lights, and interactive light tables can create calming or vibrant visual effects, enhancing the overall sensory experience.
  • Aromatherapy Diffusers: Diffusers that emit essential oils or scents, creating a calming or invigorating atmosphere.
  • Sensory Balls and Fidgets: Textured balls, stress balls, and fidget toys made of various materials (rubber, silicone, fabric) with different textures provide tactile and proprioceptive stimulation.
  • Weighted Blankets and Vests: Heavy blankets and vests filled with weighted materials (such as beads or pellets) provide gentle, even pressure on the body, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

When choosing sensory playground equipment, it's essential to consider the specific sensory needs and preferences of the individuals using the equipment.

How much does a Sensory Playground Cost?

The average cost of a sensory playground is £5,000 - £15,000.

The cost of a sensory playground can vary widely based on several factors, including the size of the playground, the types of sensory equipment and materials used, site preparation requirements, safety features, and the level of customisation.

Additionally, labour costs, permits, and other local factors can influence the overall cost.

Benefits of Sensory Playgrounds

Sensory playgrounds offer a wide range of benefits for children's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. Here are some of the key advantages of sensory playgrounds:

Physical Development

  • Motor Skills: Sensory playgrounds encourage the development of both fine and gross motor skills. Activities like climbing, swinging, and balancing help children improve their coordination and strength.
  • Sensory Integration: Engaging with different textures, sounds, and movements helps children integrate sensory information, leading to improved body awareness and spatial skills.

Cognitive Development

  • Problem-Solving: Sensory playgrounds often feature puzzles, mazes, and interactive elements that challenge children's problem-solving abilities, enhancing their cognitive skills.
  • Creativity: Sensory activities stimulate creativity and imagination, allowing children to explore and experiment with various materials and sensory inputs.

Social and Emotional Development

  • Social Skills: Interacting with other children in a sensory-rich environment promotes social skills such as sharing, cooperation, and communication.
  • Emotional Regulation: Sensory play can have a calming effect on children, helping them regulate their emotions and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Confidence: Overcoming physical challenges in a safe environment boosts children's self-confidence and self-esteem.

Inclusive Play

  • Sensory playgrounds are designed to be inclusive, accommodating children with different abilities. This fosters a sense of belonging among all children, regardless of their physical or sensory limitations.

Sensory Stimulation

  • Sensory Exploration: Sensory playgrounds provide a variety of sensory experiences, including tactile, auditory, visual, and vestibular stimulation, allowing children to explore and understand the world around them in a hands-on manner.

Promoting Independence

  • Sensory playgrounds often have elements that encourage independent play. This independence fosters a sense of autonomy and self-reliance in children.

Encouraging Outdoor Play

  • Sensory playgrounds offer a compelling reason for children to spend time outdoors, promoting physical activity and reducing screen time.

Family Bonding

  • Sensory playgrounds create opportunities for families to bond and play together, strengthening familial relationships.

Therapeutic Benefits

  • Sensory playgrounds are sometimes used as therapeutic tools for children with sensory processing disorders or other developmental challenges. The structured sensory experiences can aid in therapy and intervention programs.

What is a Sensory Playground?

A sensory play area is a place in which children can interact with toys and equipment that can involve more of their senses. These can include musical activities, water and sand features, gardens and many more activities that involve touch, sight, smell or hearing. These can be the perfect playgrounds for all children and can be peaceful whilst being fun.

These gardens could be used in lesson times to teach younger children the senses, however they can also be used for fun by individuals or with friends. For more information about the sensory playgrounds we offer, fill out the contact form above. 

Sensory Garden Features in Bossington

Many school and public playgrounds are focused towards physical activity and may be quite busy and loud. Some children can find these types of places intimidating and scary, but sensory play gardens are designed in a different way.

These tend to include things like musical instruments, mirrors, sand boxes, water games, activity panels and gardening beds. Each of these features allows kids with special educational needs to take part in activities either independently or with others.

The designs often focus on nature and understanding of the world which is great for pupils of any ability when learning and developing skills.

To find out more about the range of sensory garden features that we can supply for play areas in schools, nurseries and community centres, please contact us. We would be happy to give you some professional advice with regards to the prices for individual pieces of equipment or a whole playground facility.

Inclusive Playground Equipment

We are specialist suppliers of outdoor activity features which are inclusive for kids of all abilities in nurseries and schools. Things like games panels, music instruments, water boxes and rubber safety surfaces in Bossington are often installed to these facilities.

Sometimes a sensory playground will have designated quiet spaces like playhouses or grass areas where kids can go for a more relaxed environment. This is perfect for younger children, or pupils who want to take some time away from the more active area.

A few of the most common features include things which provide visual, auditory and tactile stimulation. These create a more accessible space where children can enjoy a range of interesting and fun activities. Different sized mirrors, chimes, mazes and kaleidoscopes could all be included with this type of facility.

Multi Ability Play Areas

The aim of inclusive equipment for playgrounds is to create multi ability play areas where all kids can enjoy activities that they like. Sometimes outdoor games areas do not include features which are accessible for children who are disabled or have special needs.

A more diverse outdoor space can stimulate different senses and allow each child to play independently or with their peers.

These sensory playground facilities are often highly regarded by OFSTED and other organisations as they give every child an opportunity to experience outdoor activities.

This is extremely important for development, and having time outside often makes it easier for kids to learn during classroom lessons.

You can completely customise the sensory design to suit your pupils and the budget you have to spend. Just let us know what you need and we'll do our best to create the perfect facility for you.


How do you Create a Sensory Play Area?

Creating a sensory play area can provide a stimulating and engaging environment for children and adults to explore and learn through their senses. Here's a guide to help you create a sensory play area:

  • Find a suitable space
  • Consider the safety
  • Choose sensory materials
  • Create sensory stations and zones
  • Provide lighting
  • Encourage exploration and play
  • Supervision and interaction

What are the Sensory Areas of Play?

The main sensory areas of play are visual sensory play, tactile, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, proprioceptive and vestibular sensory play.

Sensory play focuses on stimulating and engaging these senses to promote learning and exploration.

By incorporating activities that target these sensory areas, children and individuals can explore, learn, and develop their sensory skills in a holistic manner.

Other Services We Offer

Contact Our Team

We offer a variety of specialist design options for these inclusive play areas, and you can choose bespoke sets of sensory playground equipment to suit your budget and requirements.

Our aim is to create outdoor spaces for schools and nurseries which are accessible for everyone, and provide an exciting atmosphere without being too overwhelming.

Please contact our team if you have any questions about costs and specifications for all of the features we have available.

One of our experts will gladly talk through your budget and help you choose the perfect sensory play area design in Bossington SO20 6 for your school.

Searches Associated with Sensory Play Area Design

  • Outdoor Sensory Play Area in Bossington
  • Sensory Playground Near Me
  • Sensory Play Area for Toddlers
  • Shooll Playground Design in Bossington
  • Sensory Play Area Design for Adults
  • Sensory Playground Equipment in Bossington
  • Sensory Outdoor Play in Bossington
  • Sensory Designs Bossington
  • Multi Sensory Park
  • Sensory Den

Covering SO20 6



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